Wellbeing Guardians@6weekchallenge is a fun, motivating, and interactive project, offers a universal approach to promote bio-psycho-social wellbeing of schoolchildren, based on Positive Psychology while encouraging them to establish positive values and practice the character strengths. Click here to discover more about the character strengths.
The Challenge also helps establish a more substantial bond within the children’s social network through interacting with family, friends, and community members in positive and meaningful ways, which in turn strengthen their support system.
The Challenge aims to increase schoolchildren’s resources to cope with negative emotions, stress, anxiety, fear, and boredom, that may be brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, school suspension, and lockdown measures.
Outcome of the Challenge will be measured through a before-and-after survey, where the result will be used to study the long-term contribution on developing the community’s wellness.
*Project date: 21 Mar to 1 May 2022
TRANSCENDENCE is about developing a state that is beyond ones’ potential, making connection with the universe and pursuing the meaning of life. It consists of religiousness and spirituality, humour, appreciation of beauty, gratitude and hope.
This week we will complete challenges which help us appreciate beauty and excellence – nature, artworks, people and things around us every day. We will also learn to be thankful for the good things in life.
COURAGE requires emotional strengths, which one needs in order to pursue and continue their goal with passion, overcome difficulty with bravery, and be honest to oneself and others.
This week we will complete challenges which help us stay strong and persistent to accomplish goals however difficult they may be.
Interpersonal strength is the key to HUMANITY. It involves feeling what others’ feel and putting oneself into others’ shoes. It nurtures love and kindness to oneself and others.
This week we will complete challenges which help us learn to be kind, friendly, generous, and caring for others.
A sense of JUSTICE is about how to become an upright person in society and contribute their part to the community life, which often involves teamwork, leadership, and fairness.
This week we will complete challenges which help us learn to work with others as a team or lead others to complete tasks, and always remember to treat everyone equally.
WISDOM is the cognitive strength of the 6 virtues, which requires acquisition of knowledge, linking past experience with new wisdom, making cognitive accommodation of new information with existing schemas and perceptions.
This week we will complete challenges which help us explore and learn something new. We will use the new knowledge to create interesting ideas and ways of doing things.
TEMPERANCE is about self-control, which in other words is how one protects against excessive consumption of tangible and non-tangible things such as food, pride, hatred, etc. It consists of self-regulation, prudence, forgiveness and mercy, modesty and humility.
This week we will complete challenges which help us control ourselves to avoid over- or under-doing things, for example, eating, sleeping, playing, studying, and more. We will also learn to manage our emotions and be humble, forgiving, and merciful.
Event Highlight