WeCare Fund for Student-Initiated Youth Suicide Prevention Projects 2019
《與你同行》資助計劃學生主導的防止青年自殺計劃 2019
Application Guidelines
1. Background
Young people are the hope of a family, as well as our society. Various stakeholders, such as the government bureau and departments, non-government organizations, media, healthcare professionals, schools and general public, have put enormous effort in promoting youth suicide prevention in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, students are the epicenter of student suicide incidents. To empower and facilitate them to organize self-help and/or mutual help projects will not only contribute to controlling this crisis, but will also be beneficial for identifying good practices for youth suicide prevention.
2. Objectives
- To facilitate students to initiate and deliver mental health related projects on campus targeting young people;
- To guide student-initiated projects with professional advices (preferably a member from Student Affairs Office or a member of their home institution, e.g. clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor, school social worker, or other relevant disciplines);
- To foster positive emotions amongst the Universities/Institutions; and
- To enhance public awareness on mental health issues.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
- Enhance understanding of mental health and suicide prevention;
- Acquire generic skills, especially social communication skills and self-reflection ability;
- Enhance students’ knowledge on mental health issue and suicide prevention; and
- Cultivate empathy for others.
4. Quota
- 6 projects
5. Eligibility
- Full-time and part-time post-secondary students studying in the list of Universities/Institutions in Appendix 1.
- Project MUST undergo with professional advices (preferably a member of Student Affairs Office or a member of their home institution, e.g. clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor, school social worker, or other relevant disciplines)
6. Themes of Project Proposal
- A project proposal should meet at least one of the following themes:
- Reaching out to peers with emotional distress/suicidal risk
- Encourage help-seeking among students when having emotional distress or feeling suicidal
- Mental health promotion among students
7. Funding Available
- In principle, each approved project will receive up to HK$50,000. The actual amount of fund approved will reflect the merits of the proposed project.
- Funding decisions will be announced within a month after the application deadline (by September).
- The Fund can be used to support research, direct services, community events, exhibitions, social entrepreneurship, documentary making, art, cultural promotion and presentations, and all activities that contribute to the goals of this project.
- The first 70% of the Fund will be paid for the project leader as startup of the project. The outstanding 30% of the amount will be paid after 4 months of the project implementation.
- The Fund is a token subsidy and does not mean to assist any student body/group to generate income or profit.
- Applicants are required to declare and report on details of any financial support already received at the time of application or as soon as they are awarded for the project. CSRP reserves the right to reduce its financial support to the project upon receiving such information.
- In any event, the total financial support from CSRP should NOT exceed the proposed budget.
- Upon completion of the projects, the grantee is required to submit a final and financial report 1 month after the project end date. All true copies of receipts have to be included in the report.
- Based on the final evaluation of the 6 projects, Best Practice Awards will be identified. All projects will be awarded with additional HK$30,000 to sustain or extend their projects. The use of award funding should focus on youth suicide prevention. Public campaign/education can also be considered as part of the component.
8. Duration of the Project
Each approved project should be completed before 31/07/2020.
9. Selection Procedure
- A review committee will be organized by CSRP to select 6 projects from the applications. To ensure more institutions can be benefitted from the Project, we will prefer no more than one project being funded in one institution.
- Upon completion of the project, the funded project is required to submit a project report and the committee will evaluate the projects’ effectiveness.
10. Assessment Criteria
Assessment will be conducted by CSRP on the basis of:
- Relevance to the objectives and themes of the Fund;
- Originality and innovativeness of the Project;
- Help address a challenge related to mental health faced by the society, with clear potential benefits;
- Be based on empirical research in the relevant field;
- Conduct pre and post assessment in order to evaluate project effectiveness;
- Partnership with professionals (e.g. clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor, school social worker, or other relevant areas);
- Feasibility and sustainability of the project; and
- The impact of the Project to the students.
11. Application Procedure
- All applicants should fill in an online application form and download a proposal template to state clearly the objectives, procedures, measurable indicators, predicted outcome, impact and justifiable budget of the project. Applicants should submit applications and proposals online on or before 02/08/2019.
- Submission of incorrect/incomplete information may cause delay/disqualification. A successful applicant will be disqualified and/or, where appropriate, be required to refund the grant if he/she provides any false or misleading information to CSRP.
- All members from selected projects must attend one full day training workshop at The University of Hong Kong (Details of the workshop will be announced after project selection).
12. Important dates
Date | Content |
14 May – 02 Aug 2019 | Application period |
August 2019 | Selection of 6 Projects |
September 2019 (Dates will be confirmed after project selection) | Full day training workshop for selected student groups |
September 2019 – 31 July 2020 | (Phase 1) Project implementation period |
31 August 2020 | Submission of Project Report |
September – November 2020 | Selection of the Best Practice Award Selection and Award ceremony |
November 2020- June 2021 | (Phase 2) Extension period for projects awarded with Best Practice Award |
1. 背景
2. 目的
- 協助學生在校園內發起及組織促進朋輩精神健康的活動;
- 讓學生主導的計劃獲得專業人員指導(以其就讀院校的學生事務處職員或其他職員為佳,如臨床心理學家、精神科醫生、輔導員、學校社工、以及其他相關的專業人員);
- 培養校園內的積極情緒;及
- 加強青年大眾對精神健康的關注
3. 參加者學習成效
- 增強對精神健康及防止自殺的認識;
- 學習共通能力,特別是社交溝通能力和自我反思能力等技巧;
- 提升同學有關精神健康與防止自殺的知識;及
- 加強同理心
4. 資助名額
5. 參加資格
- 所有在<附錄一>名單上的大專院校就讀之全日制及半日制學生
- 計劃須獲得專業人員指導(以其就讀院校的學生事務處職員或其他職員為佳,如臨床心理學家、精神科醫生、輔導員、學校社工、以及其他相關的專業人員)
6. 計劃主題
- 每份計劃申請需至少符合下列一項主題:
- 支援有情緒困擾或自殺風險的朋輩
- 鼓勵朋輩在情緒困擾或有自殺念頭時尋求協助
- 推動朋輩關注精神健康
7. 基金贊助
- 每個選出的計劃將會獲取不多於港幣50,000元的資助。實際資助金額將根據計劃的優異程度來決定。
- 申請結果將於申請截止日期後一個月內公佈 (約九月)。
- 資金可用於支持研究、提供直接服務與幫助、社區活動、展覽、社會企業、紀錄片製作、藝術、文化宣傳和展示、以及所有能達到計劃宗旨的活動。
- 獲批資助金額的首70%將先支付予計劃負責人作為開始計劃的成本,餘下的30%金額將在項目實施4個月後支付計劃負責人。
- 資金屬於補助性質,並不能用於協助學生組織或團體增加收入或利潤。
- 申請者需列明計劃有否接受其他資金支持,並且須在申請時或盡快於獲得其他資金時彙報該資金的細節。本中心保留調整資助金額的權利。
- 在任何情況下,計劃支出不能超過所申請的金額。
- 計劃完成後,申請者必須在項目結束一個月後或之前提交計劃報告。
- 評審委員會根據計劃共六份報告選出「卓越計劃獎」,得獎計劃會額外獲得港幣30,000元的資金,以維持及擴展其計劃。此額外資金以用於防止青年自殺計劃為主,亦可包含公眾教育及活動作為其中的計劃元素。
8. 計劃推行時段
9. 甄選程序
- 本中心將會成立評審委員會甄選出六份計劃。為了增加受惠的大專院校數目,本中心期望在每間大專院校選出不多於一個計劃。
- 計劃完成後,申請者需提交報告給評審委員會檢閱及評估計劃成效。
10. 評審標準
- 計劃與本資助計劃的目的及主題之相關性;
- 計劃的原創性及創新性;
- 計劃有助回應社會現時與精神健康有關的問題,並有明確的潛在益處;
- 計劃根據及引用有關領域的研究;
- 計劃前後會進行評估,以準確地評估計劃之成效;
- 與專業人士合作(如臨床心理學家、精神科醫生、輔導員、學校社工、以及其他相關方面的專家);
- 計劃的可行性及可持續性;及
- 計劃對學生的影響
11. 申請程序
- 申請者需下載計劃書範本以撰寫計劃,並填妥網上報名表格,清楚列出計劃宗旨、過程、可量度的成效指標、預計成效和合理預算。
- 申請者須於2019年8月2日或之前提交網上報名表及上載計劃書。
- 提交不正確或不完整資料的申請人可能導致延誤或取消資格。成功申請者如被發現提交虛假或誤導資料,將會被取消資格,亦會被要求退還資金給本中心(如適用)。
- 成功申請者必須派計劃成員出席在香港大學舉行之《與你同行》資助計劃培訓工作坊(詳情會於挑選六份計劃後公佈)。
12. 重要日期
日期 | 內容 |
2019年5月14—8月2日 | 接受申請 |
2019年8月 | 挑選六份計劃 |
2019年9月 | 《與你同行》資助計劃培訓工作坊 |
2019年9月—2020年7月31日 | (第一期)開展計劃 |
2020年8月31日 | 提交計劃報告 |
2020年9月—11月 | 選出「卓越實踐計劃獎」及舉行頒獎典禮 |
2020年11月—2021年6月 | (第二期)開展卓越實踐計劃 |